
Magic Handwash

Hand Wash an anti-bacterial liquied hand wash your hand every time you go out use hand wash and eliminate all the germs from your hand protection from infection

  1. Neutral value 7 pH material
  2. without caustic
  3. Rubbing &washing your hands with the material & applying water
  4. 98% percent germs protection.
  5. Available in 5ltr pack

Call Now +099773 89328

Email magics.aroma@gmail.com

Address 246/5 Mundla Natya Road, Near Saint Francis Hospital, Indore, MP,India

Magic Aroma is an Indore based organization, Magic Aroma is the manufacturer for daily use materials Luxury Ayurvedic Amenities products like Hair Shampoo, Shower Gel, Hand wash, Moisturizer.

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